Reload the page after installation to access the menu item under "Components" Big Brother 1.1.0 RC2 ******************** - Fix weird issue in French lexicon Big Brother 1.1.0 RC1 ******************** - Updated components to use the last API changes for Google Big Brother 1.0.2 pl ******************** - Added german lexicon (Thanks to gadgetto) - Removed hardcoded strings - Some corrections to English translation Big Brother 1.0.2 RC2 ******************** - Fix getManagerLink when the base url is a trailing slash Big Brother 1.0.2 RC1 ******************** - Added BigBrother namaespace in cmp and dashboard - Added ability to set specific account to user for reports - Fixed notices - Set debug to false by default Big Brother 1.0.1 pl ******************** - Fixed hard coded manager URL Big Brother 1.0 pl ****************** - Fix charts resize in cmp - Syncronize Days of the week for area charts - Added button on dashboard to access full reports on the cmp Big Brother 1.0 beta5 ********************* - Added dashboard widget - Enabled Dashboard configuration tabs Big Brother 1.0 beta4 ********************* - Added comparison chart - Added Options Panel - Refactored processors for more flexibility Big Brother 1.0 beta3 ********************* - Added option to set custom manager URL for oauth callback Big Brother 1.0 beta2 ********************* - Setup options for Admin groups and cache timeout - Show admin buttons only to specified user groups - Added more reports following Google Analytics website display - Added date range information - Added custom vtabs class definitions - Streamlined grids and panel description - Updated grid processor to use a single file Big Brother 1.0 beta1 ********************* - Initial release